Thursday, September 18, 2008

A-Z? not quite

oh kelley - why does the alphabet have to be 26 letters long? i am way too tired and not feeling clever enough to do all the letters. so here is my abbreviated version - KUBITZA

K- kids. obviously, 3. the 2 boys and my daughter. i am just starting to see the end of the toddler tunnel and am enjoying everyone. another on the horizon? we can never know but it would be a surprise.

U- unknown fact about me. ugh. how unknown do we want to get here? i could go the "ice-breaker" route and talk about how i used to show horses. or i could get really transparent and talk about that time that i was 16 and got caught with a group of my, nevermind

B- best friend. this is a hard one because i make really good friends wherever i end up. my longest ever is juliet, most unlikely is cora, in brazil is kelley, etc....get it?

I- indulgences. since i have been back in the US i would have to say Bryers mint chocolate chip is my "after the kids go to bed" treat

T- tag 5 more. this is where i embarrassingly admit that i dont know how to tag. to me that is still a thing you do on the playground - keeping it old-school

Z-zodiac. pisces. the fish. and i am very much a fish. the constellations and their effect on our personalities are not all mystical but real forces in nature. take a peek at my sign and see if it doesnt do a good job describing me.

A- attached or single? attached to my hubby for the last 11 years.

that was kind of fun. thanks kells!!


Kelley said...

Oh goodness...I should have done the same thing (it took me forever to write out those answers and some of them were so stupid). You're quite the woman to go along with it...even if it was a half-attempt...

I can so picture you and Nathanael watching an underwear documentary together! Wish I could have joined you...

Way to go Davi! (catching up on previous posts)...

Kelley said...

I cannot believe (actually, yes I can) that this was your last post! My last tag! And here I am tagging you again. Go check it out at my place if you are desperate for something to write about (which is a logical assumption since it's been a month since your last post!)

Michawn said...

hey chic. michawn here (um, i guess that's obvious since it probably says 'michawn said'). i never did invite myself over that last week you were here...oh well. when you get back, i'll do the inviting myself over thing.

it is so very interesting hearing all about your 'journey' there in the getting back into the US culture (only to be yanked right back out again in a few months). highly intriguing to me since i will be doing the same exact thing next year. thanks for sharing.

and i'm with kelley...POST!! :)